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Lee R.
Asked a Question
Personal Experiences
Dec 24
How do you define personal growth?
What does personal growth mean to you, and how do you actually come to realize that you have achieved or reached that growth?
This question doesn't have any answers yet.
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Lee R.
Asked a Question
Jun 23
Not that you are necessarily dreaming of anything, but just the feeling as if you are in a dream. Everything is sort of slowed down, and you don't really have too many thoughts anymore. Yet everything also feels magnified.
Jul 11
How do you know if meditation is working for you?
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Jul 11
how would you say meditation has helped you in your everyday life?
This is directed at beginners but also experienced meditators, really to anyone who has noticed changes in their lives that they relate to meditation. I want to know what those changes you notice are.
Lee R.
Asked a Question
Personal Experiences
Jul 27
Any time you are truly angry, how do you handle it? Im asking more about what you do once you are already angry, less about what you do to prevent it.
Lee R.
Asked a Question
Buddhist Teachings
Jun 23
I realize that I tend to force things in life, specifically situations, and this is something that I am trying to stop. But, I am now uncertain as to when I am forcing things compared to when I am initiating things. Doing things, such as approaching people, is not always forcing it, but I'm just having a hard time realizing the difference.
Lee R.
Asked a Question
Jun 23
I am always told that meditation is meant to teach you how to let go of thoughts, and most guided meditations tell you to let go of thoughts, but what does this actually mean, and how do you actually do it?
Lee R.
Asked a Question
Buddhist Teachings
Jun 28
In the teachings, there is the concept of not forcing things, Wu wei, so I wonder how other people practice this and implement it into their lives, and what changes and benefits they have noticed from it.
Lee R.
Asked a Question
Personal Experiences
Jul 1
Just wondering how everyone experiences slowing down and how it impacts their own mental state and well being. If it helps you be more relaxed and rested or if you grow impatient.
Jul 11
How long was the longest meditation session you have done, and what was your experience with it?
How did that session impact your mind, mood, your day, and week? It would be interesting to know the impact long sessions have on people.
Mental Health
Sep 11
How do you handle love bombing?
I was recently in a situation where I believe I was love bombed and am wondering how this world of mindfulness and meditation can help me get over that and let it go.